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Angelica (Angelica archangelica, Archangelica officinalis) is a plant that has been attributed to its unique properties for centuries.
The Latin name angelica comes from the word archangelos meaning archangel. According to legend, it was the archangel Rafael (although different sources give different names) that revealed the wonderful properties of this herb.
Angelica was initially used by northern peoples - e.g. Laplanders and Greenlanders, where it is almost the only local vegetable. A fresh plant was an important element of the diet - they were boiled in reindeer milk until they obtained the consistency of cheese.
During the Renaissance, angelica enjoyed great recognition, it was called the herb of the Holy Spirit to emphasize its importance. Paracelsus drew attention to its properties during the plague epidemic that returned to Milan in the 16th century. Later, the view spread that the angelica is as valuable to Europeans as ginseng is to Chinese.
From angelica root, you can prepare an infusion, decoction, alcohol or oil extract, which can be taken internally or externally - for rinses, compresses and enemas.
Our Angelica root is a high quality raw material derived from Polish crops.
- Original spice
- Supports digestion, stimulates the appetite
- Soothes my nerves
- Dried angelica root is a valuable spice - it can be added to cakes and gingerbread, giving them a characteristic sweet-spicy taste. Roots are commonly used to flavor tinctures and liqueurs - such as Benedictine or French chartreuse or vermouth.
- Angelica effectively supports digestive health.
- Stimulates digestion, prevents constipation, and has a warming effect.
- Can be helpful in indigestion and flatulence,
- Relieves stomach ache
- prevents the appearance of heartburn.
- Angelica root is also famous for its calming and soothing nerves.
Angelica root contains about 1% of essential oil, whose main ingredient is β-fandrene, α-pinene, p-cymene, and hydroxydecapentanoic and butyric acids. Other active ingredients also include coumarins (angelicin, ostol, ostenol, imeratorin, xanthotoxin, bergapten, umbelifron and umbeliprenine), as well as small amounts of tannins and flavonoids (derivatives of narngenine - archangelone and 7,4-diprenylaryngenine), beta-sitosterol.
Angelica infusion:
5 g of crushed root pour 200 ml of boiling water (or milk with honey), leave to infuse covered. Drink in small portions of 100 ml. You can drink 3-4 times a day for 100 ml.
1-2 tablespoons of root pour 2 cups of water or milk, bring to a boil and cook for 5 minutes on low heat. You can add a little honey. Drink 4 times a day for half a glass.
Angelica (ground root):
1-2 teaspoons of raw material pour a glass of boiling water or milk, brew under cover for 15-20 minutes. You can sweeten with honey. Take half a cup of infusion 4 times a day.
Ground angelica root can be used as a spice for gingerbread, root cakes, sweet liqueurs and tinctures.
Angelica increases sensitivity to solar radiation. People who are hypersensitive to the sun while taking angelica should avoid sun exposure. Do not use during pregnancy.

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